Claims as a Service
September 5, 2023

What is Claims as a Service?

Claims as a service (CaaS) provides fast-response, on-demand claims management services to insurers as and when they’re needed. This might include:

CaaS draws on the popular ‘as a service’ approach to provide customisable, product-like service packages – which can be utilised easily, and set up and running quickly.

This makes Claims as a Service an effective, dynamic solution for insurers seeking to support their existing operational strategies, or utilise specialist knowledge in certain circumstances.

What is Repair as a Service?

Like Claims as a Service, Repair as a Service (RaaS) applies the same dynamic approach, and focuses specifically on the vehicle repair process within motor claims. 

The foundation of RaaS is direct-to-market repair capacity – providing insurers with on-demand vehicle repair slots when and where they need them most. 

This empowers insurers to overcome their existing capacity challenges, and take a proactive approach to future high-demand periods. Repair as a Service gives them complete flexibility, without compromising on the quality of services delivered, or repairs completed.

Layered on top are a range of additional value-add services, which insurers can utilise when needed to support with end-to-end repair management. These include:

  • Repair Triage
  • Engineering Services
  • Repair deployment
  • Repair management
Repair as a service - Claims as a service

Thanks to its flexibility, insurers can choose to utilise Repair as a Service for anything from straightforward overflow repair capacity, to a completely self-sufficient repair management solution. 

Discover how Repair as a Service can help you to take control of your capacity challenges, and deliver fast, efficient repair to your customers:

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