First Notification of Loss (FNOL): Everything you Need to Know
October 19, 2023

What is FNOL?

First Notification of Loss (FNOL) is the first step in the insurance claims process. It’s also commonly known as ‘incident reporting’.

This is the stage at which an insurance customer notifies their insurer of damage to, or loss/theft of an insured item of property.

During the FNOL process, the insurer will assess whether a claim needs to be filed, who is at fault, the details of any third-parties, and any supporting evidence.

First Notification of Loss in motor insurance

In motor insurance, First Notification of Loss usually happens shortly after an incident or collision occurs. The policyholder will normally contact their insurer – either by phone or through an eNOL app – and answer a number of questions to identify:

Evidence may be gathered at this stage, including pictures of the damage, any dashcam footage, and the policyholder’s account of how the incident occurred.

This provides motor insurers with the information they need to inform the next steps of the claims process, including identifying the potential costs involved.

Digital FNOL Solution – Introducing Activate Initiate

Activate Initiate is a digital incident reporting solution for fleets & insurers. The white-label web-app allows drivers & third parties to submit quick, accurate incident reports as soon as a collision occurs.

After they encounter an incident, drivers simply load the web app, and follow the form to submit details & images of the collision and associated damage.

This can either be done via a link, which loads the app within their mobile browser, or Initiate can be embedded within your existing fleet/insurance mobile apps or portals.

Learn more about Activate Initiate, and discover the benefits of a faster, smarter FNOL process…

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